Aldersons, F. and Z. Ben-Avraham (2014)
The Seismogenic Thickness in the Dead Sea Area.
In: Garfunkel, Z., Ben-Avraham, Z., Kagan, E. (Eds.) The Dead Sea Transform: Reviews. Modern Approaches in Solid Earth Sciences. Volume 6. Springer, Dordrecht. pp. 53-89.
Abstract (PDF 15 KB)|Full text (PDF 2.0 MB )
Aldersons, F., Di Stefano, R., Chiaraluce, L., Piccinini, D. and Valoroso, L. (2009)
Automatic Detection and P- and S-wave Picking Algorithm: an application to the 2009 L'Aquila (Central Italy) earthquake sequence.
Eos Trans. AGU , 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract U23B-0045.
Abstract (PDF 15 KB)|Poster (PDF 13.7 MB )
Diehl, T., Kissling, E., Husen, S. and Aldersons, F. (2009)
Consistent phase picking for regional tomography models: application to the greater Alpine region.
Geophysical Journal International, 176, 542-554.
Abstract |Full text (PDF 2.2 MB )
Aldersons, F., Di Stefano, R., Diehl, T. and Kissling, E. (2006)
Automatic seismic phase picking and weighting at national and regional scales.
General Assembly 2006 of the European Geosciences Union (EGU).
Abstract (PDF 35 KB)| Poster (PDF 5.5 MB )
Aldersons, F., Ben-Avraham, Z., and Kissling, E. (2006)
Lower-crustal seismicity in the Dead Sea region.
General Assembly 2006 of the European Geosciences Union (EGU).
Abstract (PDF 44 KB)| Poster (PDF 3.1 MB )
Di Stefano, R., Aldersons, F., Kissling, E., Baccheschi, P., Chiarabba, C., and Giardini, D. (2006)
Automatic seismic phase picking and consistent observation error assessment: Application to the Italian seismicity.
Geophysical Journal International, 165, 121-134.
Abstract | Full text (PDF 0.5 MB )
Aldersons, F. (2004)
Toward a Three-Dimensional Crustal Structure of the Dead Sea region from Local Earthquake Tomography.
Ph.D. thesis, Tel-Aviv University, pp. 123.
Abstract | Full text (PDF 4.0 MB )
Aldersons, F., Ben-Avraham, Z., Hofstetter, A., Kissling, E., and Al-Yazjeen, T. (2003)
Lower-crustal strength under the Dead Sea basin from local earthquake data and rheological modeling.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 214, 129-142.
Abstract | Full text (PDF 1.1 MB)